Friday 29 April 2011

Ah, the life of a student filmmaker.

I have a confession.

I have been negligent in my blog-posting duties. I must apologise for this disgrace, and promise that I will be much better in the future!

The reason for my absence from the blog-sphere is, naturally, life as a student filmmaker. End of term hit like a freight train, with exams, papers, excessive studying, and - of course - the last few weeks of editing this year's film for SFU before the big deadline (the sound mix at Sharpe Sound) and the second big deadline, Tuesday's film screening.

But now everything is coming to an end, and suddenly I have some free time that did not exist before! My blog will prosper once more, and rest assured, I have many ideas for interesting blog posts (much more interesting than simple colour correcting, I promise - that post didn't seem to get as much attention as the Riese or Sharpe Sound ones did, and I can see why).

To begin my return to this blog, I will post a rant I wrote on my other, slightly more random, Tumblr blog (myriadthoughts). It is in response to an article I read on the very awesome website,, about the film Knowing - a train wreck of a film if ever I saw one. Surprisingly, I've discovered there is a lot of love and admiration out there for this awful film, and I felt compelled to write my own thoughts on the subject. I hope you find it entertaining!


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